Embracing the Wise Woman

 Women’s Circle & Coaching Immersion

May 26 - June 30


If you know deep down that your creative dreams matter – and they're worth bringing forth into being, then I invite you to listen closely, for my words are meant for you.

Welcome to the sanctuary of the Wise Woman program – a sacred space where your dreams are not only welcomed but celebrated, where your innermost desires are seen, heard, and honored.

This 6-week transformative journey calls upon you to reclaim your creative gifts, to listen intently to the whispers of your heart and intuition, and to awaken the dormant flames of your creativity.

Here, we embrace the playful spirit of your inner child, inviting her to dance freely under the moonlight and to explore the boundless realms of your imagination. We understand that your dreams are not frivolous fantasies but sacred seeds yearning to take root and blossom into beautiful realities.

As we walk this path together, we delve deep into the tapestry of your soul, unraveling the threads of archetypes, emotional themes, and behavioral patterns that shape your life's journey. Through the art of storytelling, we illuminate the path before you, empowering you to step into your power with clarity and purpose.

But amidst the deep introspection and soul-searching, there is also profound compassion – a gentle reminder that every part of you, from the brightest spark to the darkest shadow, is worthy of love and acceptance.

And know this, dear one: you are not alone on this journey. You are surrounded by a circle of kindred spirits – sisters who understand the power of your dreams because they are weaving dreams of their own.

Together, we integrate spirituality and creativity into our daily lives. And in doing so, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and joy that radiates from the core of our being.

So, let me say it again, for it bears repeating: your creative dreams matter! They are the whispers of your soul, calling you to bring forth your unique gifts and share them with the world.


An intimate 6-week healing & coaching immersion for creative women

private mentorship, wisdom workshops, ceremonies & sharing circles.

Embark on a transformational journey to authentically express your creative gifts and step into heart centered leadership.


 Are you ready to step into heart-centered leadership?


A deep dive into the feminine archetypes:

Embody the Wisdom of Archetypes, Learn the Art of Storytelling, Cultivate the Courage to Lead with the Heart & Express your Creativity Gifts

A one of a kind program that will enrich your life in so many ways…

Over six weeks, we'll gather in a safe and nurturing space, exploring what it means to truly listen to our hearts, honor our experiences, and express ourselves authentically. In the heartfelt sharing circles, we'll uncover the wisdom that lies within us. Together, we weave stories – stories of courage, compassion and resilience awakening the voice of wisdom within our hearts.

What you will receive:

  • 7 live and intimate Zoom calls (2 hours) over 6-weeks. This includes: wisdom workshops infused with the magic of ancient storytelling, ceremonies (inner journeys) & sharing circles.

  • 3 private sessions (1,5 hours) online or in-person in Den Haag.

  • Private women’s support group where you can share and ask questions in between the calls.

  • Access to the Virtual Wisdom Library with guided meditations, creative practices, replays and deepening resources.

May 26 - June 30 price for the full program €775,-


I am here to remind you, the source of healing & creativity resides within you.

I don’t give you the answers, I give you the support, understanding, and resources you need to find the answers within, trusting your own guidance system.

I don’t think for you, I use my philosophical mind to think with you.

I don’t do the work for you, I witness your process and hold you with love in whatever you are going through.


Women’s Circle & Private Mentorship


Women’s Circle

Sisterhood creates a safe space to discover the depth of who you are. We will gather in a women’s circle once a week for 6 weeks. In between the calls there is the space to share and ask questions in the group chat. You will enter an intimate women’s circle where you can express yourself authentically. I invite you to share with an open mind and heart. The circle is a safe confidential space. We are here to witness and support each other.

We will gather in a small group (5 spots available)


Private Mentorship

You will have 3 private sessions during the 6-week program. We will explore your archetypal blueprint and tailor the program to your uniqueness. We will focus on activating your intuition, connecting to your heart’s wisdom and listening to your body’s healing intelligence. It is a safe space for you to openly share your challenges, feelings, ideas and insights. I will support you in letting go of self-doubt, anxiety and overthinking so you can share your creative gifts and step into heart-centered leadership.


Wisdom Library

We will explore 7 feminine archetypes over 6 weeks. You will receive access to the Virtual Wisdom Library, a transformative container guiding you to deepen your relationship with the feminine archetypes with guided meditations, creative practices and deepening material. You can also find the replay of the live workshops & ceremonies in your library.

May 26 - June 30

Price for the full program €775,-


Let’s explore if the program is a good fit…


Meet your Facilitator

Artist, Ceremonialist & Transpersonal Therapist

Sanne is a multi-faceted medicine woman—a writer, artist, transpersonal therapist, and ceremonialist—whose journey traverses realms of healing, creativity, and spiritual exploration.

Ceremony is an offering closest to her heart. Drawing from a rich tapestry of therapeutic modalities—including trauma therapy, Jungian dreamwork, and shamanic wisdom—she guides seekers on an odyssey from the confines of the mind to the expansiveness of the heart. Through storytelling, sound healing, medicine music, and creative expression, she weaves a transformative journey that transcends the ordinary and touches the soul.

Sanne's own path to healing was paved with challenges. At just 18, she faced a heart attack and a near-death experience, unveiling profound insights into the nature of existence and the resilience of the human spirit. Despite physical recovery, the shadows of anxiety, PTSD, and dissociation lingered. Determined to understand, she dove into the depths of trauma, seeking solace and healing.

Guided by mentors and fueled by her curiosity for holistic medicine and a deep respect for indigenous traditions, Sanne learned to work with the subconscious mind and facilitate ceremonies with intention and integrity. She creates a sacred space where healing can unfold, honoring the ancient roots and cultural richness of the practices she holds dear.

In Sanne's world, healing is an art—a dance between shadows and light. Through her work, she invites fellow creative and sensitive souls to embrace their journey, knowing that in the sacred space she co-creates, transformation is not just possible—it's inevitable.



  • 7 live and intimate Zoom calls (2 hours) over 6 weeks. This includes wisdom workshops, ceremonies (inner journeys) & sharing circles. The following day you will receive the replay.

    3 private sessions (1,5 hours) over a 6 weeks.

    Private women’s support group where you can share and ask questions in between the calls.

    Access to the Virtual Wisdom Library allowing you to dive deep into the feminine archetypes guided meditations, integration practices and deepening resources.

  • Women’s Circle & Coaching Immersion (6-weeks) with 3 private sessions: €775,-

    *Payment plan: 4x €200,-

  • Duration Program: May 26 - June 30

    We will gather once a week for 6-weeks with a celebration call at the end (2 hours). You will also receive guided meditations, creative practices and deepening content you can go through at your own pace.

    The 3 private sessions (1,5 hours) you can schedule at a day and time that works for you in my calendar.

    After every gathering & session I recommend giving yourself 30 minutes or more to rest and integrate.

  • The times will be Europe, UK & US friendly. Most of the gatherings (zoom calls) will be on Sunday for EU & UK in the evening and for the US in the morning and early afternoon.

    I highly recommend attending the calls LIVE. If you cannot make it, you can watch the replay in the Virtual Wisdom Library.


Wise Woman Workshop

Discover the feminine archetypes and meet your inner wise woman on a guided journey.

Watch the replay for free!