Cacao Ceremony


Cacao Ceremony in Den Haag

Women’s Circle & Ceremony on Saturday May 25


Ceremonial Cacao & Ritual

We gather in community and ritual to connect with the medicine of the heart. The plant teachers help us to ground, soften and open our hearts. Together we drink cacao and flower tea with intent and gratitude.

cacao ceremonie in den haag, cacao ceremony in the hague

Music Journey & Creative Circle

The journey begins with a story that guides you from the head into the heart. Sanne guides you inward with her voice, guitar and shamanic instruments. We will complete the ceremony with creative expression and a sharing circle.

cacao ceremony and women's circle in the hague, cacao ceremonie en vrouwen cirkel in den haag

Safe Space & Unique Location

The ceremony takes place in a unique studio in a former church in Den Haag. You will enter a safe and sacred space where you can express yourself authentically. We will gather in an intimate communal setting.

Location: Pomonaplein 49 A in Den Haag


Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony

Saturday May 25 at 7pm

Price per ticket €55,-


What is a Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao is a sacred medicine, a humble and powerful plant teacher.

Cacao is a gentle and powerful medicine supporting us in opening our hearts and deepening our connection with mother earth. Raw cacao coming from the Theobroma evergreen tree has many health benefits. Ceremonial grade cacao is made of raw beans and this makes it different from processed cocoa in chocolates made with roasted beans. 

Raw cacao contains a wealth of fiber, zinc, iron, potassium, selenium and antioxidants. Studies have shown that raw cacao can improve mental health by reducing cortisol levels, encouraging feelings of relaxation and lowering blood pressure. It increases the blood flow and the oxygen flow throughout the body. Cacao is also known as an aphrodisiac because it increases serotonin levels in the brain and enhances pleasurable sensations. 

The ceremonial and ritual use of Cacao dates back thousands of years across many Meso-American cultures. From the mountain jungles of Colombia and Peru, all the way to the most well known origin of Cacao in the Mayan Peninsula of Mexico and Guatemala. In Ancient Mayan culture cacao is known as ‘Food of the Gods’. When we drink cacao in ceremony we do this with respect and humility honoring the cultures and traditions from which she arose. 

‘Cacao Ceremony’ is a non-native term used in different countries around the world. In native traditions cacao is shared as a part of water and fire ceremonies but not as a central sacrament. It is common for indigenous communities to prepare and share their traditional cacao drink during celebrations and gatherings. Nowadays cacao ceremonies have become popularized and are mixed with different rituals and spiritual practices. I facilitate ceremonies with cacao as a sacred medicine, a humble and powerful plant teacher.


Cacao&Blue Lotus Ceremony

Saturday May 25




  • The cacao we drink in ceremony is sourced from Guatemala. Ruk’u’x Ulew, meaning ‘heart of the earth’ is an all indigenous women’s collective producing artisanal Guatemalan grown ceremonial Cacao.

    For more information you can visit the website:

  • When you are experiencing heart problems. It is advised to first check with your medical health professional to ensure it is safe.

    It’s rare but cacao has the potential to interact with certain medications.

    Contra-indications: antidepressants, MAOI, high blood pressure medication, blood thinners & diuretics.

    It is advised not to drink cacao during pregnancy. You can join the ceremony with a light cacao tea.

    If you are sensitive to cafeïne it is better to first drink a small amount to see how it affects you.

  • Cacao is psychoactive meaning it affects the mind. Theobromine and cafeïne influences our mood and alertness.

    Cacao doesn’t have hallucinating effects and it is not a psychedelic.

    After drinking cacao you can get in the car and drive.

  • When you are unable to attend the event, you can get a refund with MORE than 72 hours notice given. Should you cancel with LESS than 72 hours notice given, you won’t get a refund. It is possible to giveaway or transfer your ticket to someone else. You can only transfer a ticket with MORE than 4 hours notice given.

    When applying for a refund or transferring a ticket you need to send an email to

  • Yes, I facilitate private ceremonies with cacao for couples and small groups upon request in or near Den Haag. If you prefer to have 1:1 sessions, we can combine heart-centered therapy sessions with cacao.

    You can send an email to to book a private ceremony or 1:1 sessions.


Upcoming Cacao + Blue Lotus Ceremony

May 25th in Den Haag

Price per ticket €55,-

sanne ham, cacao ceremonie in den haag
medicine ceremony facilitator, ceremonie begeleidster in den haag
former church in den haag
cacao ceremony and women's circle in den haag, the hague